We're here. We're sleepy, but we're here. It was one long trip. Maddie has woken up at 4 a.m. both mornings since we've been here. But tonight, she's spending the night with my mom and dad, so at least maybe Skip and I can sleep until a decent hour. Good luck to Nana and Papa John!
When we were changing planes in Atlanta, one of the agents at the gate was making an announcement asking for volunteers to take a later flight to Albany and she had quite the thick Georgia accent. Maddie is used to people who speak English with an accent, so she said, "I don't think that woman is American, Mommy."
Went to church this morning. It was great! I knew all the songs. Agreed with the theology. A real treat.
A nice young man bagged my groceries for me at the Kroger, called me "ma'am" and told me to have a real nice day.
I believe that since we left, people here have taken to talking even more slowly than they did before, but that could be just me.
It's really nice to be home. Maddie has a long list of things that she wants to do while she's here which includes Wild River Country, eating breakfast at McDonalds, Chuckie Cheese, seeing about 15 different friends, going to sleep-over camp, going to Bible School, swimming, shopping at Michaels and the Dollar Tree. I told her we'd get it all in over the next five weeks.
I am posting this entry from the local Starbucks on my new Mac computer. I am feeling WAY cool. Am trying to store up feelings of being cool and capable before I return to Germany where I'm pretty much a disaster!