Friday, July 20, 2007

Maddie at Camp

Maddie Lentz spent her first two nights at camp. She had a great time--even if she missed her mom a little.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

New Do

Maddie finally got tired of me wrestling with the tangles in her hair and agreed that letting her hair grow as long as Ariel's could wait until she is older!

I cut it myself. Someday I'll remind her that there was a day when she thought her mom could do anything.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Weding Weekend

Had the honor of marrying my friend Susie and her new husband Justin this weekend in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. It was a lot of fun and really great to see some people I hadn't seen in years. It was also nice to get to be a pastor again.

One of the best parts of the wedding was hearing about Justin from all of his friends who showed up at the wedding. My suspiscion that Justin is areally great guy was confirmed by people who've known him a lot longer than I have.

Am still adjusting to being back in the States. I'm still a little startled to be in a public place where everyone is speaking English and I have to stop and remember that I don't have to stop and think about how to ask someone a question about something. Am watching too much TV and am going to have stop that!

Skip seems to have almost adjusted back to the time change and is off to Amsterdam today. It's not too hot right now in Duesseldorf--which is good, because there's no air conditioning!

Friday, July 06, 2007

Dialing Down and Clearing Out

okay, after nine months in Germany, I am not prepared for the effusiveness (is that a word) of the folks of Arkansas. The guys at Jiffy Lube this morning were just way to happy to be changing my oil. There were only three of them there and all of them told me to be sure and have a good weekend and one made me promise to come back.

As I made my way through several errands this morning, I encountere all sorts of folks who smiled and said thank you and inquired about the state of my well being. I cannot imagine being a German and stepping into Arkansas for the first time. It must seem like everyone is just up in your face and far to happy to be believable. I almost wanted to tell the guy at Jiffy Lube to dial it down a notch, but he just seemed in such a good mood, I didn't want to bring him down.

When I wasn't running errands today, I was going through closets. You know how professional organizers tell you to put stuff you can't bear to get rid of in a box and stash it away for six months. And then after that, if you don't miss it, toss it. Living in Germany for a year is the same thing. I've been going through boxes of stuff and wondering why I felt the need to box the stuff up in the first place! Goodwill is in for a deluge. Don't worry Skip, I'm not going through any of your stuff!

Skip is back in Germany and trying to recover (once again!) from jet lag.

Headed out tomorrow for my friend Susie's wedding.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

We Made It!

We're here. We're sleepy, but we're here. It was one long trip. Maddie has woken up at 4 a.m. both mornings since we've been here. But tonight, she's spending the night with my mom and dad, so at least maybe Skip and I can sleep until a decent hour. Good luck to Nana and Papa John!

When we were changing planes in Atlanta, one of the agents at the gate was making an announcement asking for volunteers to take a later flight to Albany and she had quite the thick Georgia accent. Maddie is used to people who speak English with an accent, so she said, "I don't think that woman is American, Mommy."

Went to church this morning. It was great! I knew all the songs. Agreed with the theology. A real treat.

A nice young man bagged my groceries for me at the Kroger, called me "ma'am" and told me to have a real nice day.
I believe that since we left, people here have taken to talking even more slowly than they did before, but that could be just me.

It's really nice to be home. Maddie has a long list of things that she wants to do while she's here which includes Wild River Country, eating breakfast at McDonalds, Chuckie Cheese, seeing about 15 different friends, going to sleep-over camp, going to Bible School, swimming, shopping at Michaels and the Dollar Tree. I told her we'd get it all in over the next five weeks.

I am posting this entry from the local Starbucks on my new Mac computer. I am feeling WAY cool. Am trying to store up feelings of being cool and capable before I return to Germany where I'm pretty much a disaster!