Friday, July 06, 2007

Dialing Down and Clearing Out

okay, after nine months in Germany, I am not prepared for the effusiveness (is that a word) of the folks of Arkansas. The guys at Jiffy Lube this morning were just way to happy to be changing my oil. There were only three of them there and all of them told me to be sure and have a good weekend and one made me promise to come back.

As I made my way through several errands this morning, I encountere all sorts of folks who smiled and said thank you and inquired about the state of my well being. I cannot imagine being a German and stepping into Arkansas for the first time. It must seem like everyone is just up in your face and far to happy to be believable. I almost wanted to tell the guy at Jiffy Lube to dial it down a notch, but he just seemed in such a good mood, I didn't want to bring him down.

When I wasn't running errands today, I was going through closets. You know how professional organizers tell you to put stuff you can't bear to get rid of in a box and stash it away for six months. And then after that, if you don't miss it, toss it. Living in Germany for a year is the same thing. I've been going through boxes of stuff and wondering why I felt the need to box the stuff up in the first place! Goodwill is in for a deluge. Don't worry Skip, I'm not going through any of your stuff!

Skip is back in Germany and trying to recover (once again!) from jet lag.

Headed out tomorrow for my friend Susie's wedding.

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