Thursday, January 10, 2008

Headed Back

Headed back to German tomorrow. Have enjoyed being back in the land of convenience and English speaker.

I will miss:

my mom and dad
doing twice the laundry in half the time
Mexican food
grocery stores where they bag your groceries for you
being able to communicate
solicitous waiters
the Sun
the ice dispenser in my fridge

And of course there are all those friends that you kind of forgot how much you enjoy until you spend time with them again, and then you miss them all over.

Favorite moments include hearing about the wild boar problem in Southwest Arkansas from friends Ken and Susan and watching my husband's face during the conversation. Learning that buddy Andrea's response to her daughter's use of inappropriate language is "we don't use those words in front of other people." Seeing how gloriously happy my newly-married friend Susie is. And getting to entertain friends in our big American kitchen.

Be glad to return to:

my friends in Germany
our bunny Rosie
inexpensive wine

Here's hoping the jet lag passes quickly.

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