Friday, March 07, 2008

Sushi and Belgian Waffles

Today I was invited to a good-bye party for friends Kristy and Mikki. Mikki is Japanese and is the mom to Masaya, friend of Maddie. They are moving to London during the Easter break, and we're already making plans to have lunch when we go in May to look for a place to live. Kristy is staying until the end of the school year, but wanted to have a party with Mikki. Kristy is mom to Takuya who is also friends with Maddie. They have been in Germany for 5 1/2 years and are moving to LA.

The party was hosted at Rosie's house. Rosie is English and Irish and has been in Duesseldorf for almost 5 years but may be moving to the states this summer. There was a huge spread of sushi for all the party guests and when all that was gone, the Belgians in the crowd brought out their waffle irons and cooked up Belgian waffles topped with sugar and strawberries for everyone. Everyone should depart Germany in such style!

Guest of honor, Mikki with Dutch friend Maike

Dalnim from Korea, Kirsten from Germany and Kristy and Mikki

Antje and Erika explain the finer points of Belgian waffle making to American Sheree

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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