Friday, June 06, 2008

Who's the Clothes Horse?

My husband's wardrobe is far larger than mine. This is not to say that he buys more clothes than I do, it's just that he almost never discards anything.

Tomorrow we have three different people coming to pick up the closets they are buying from us. Faithful blog readers will remember that German homes don't come with closets, so we had to buy free standing schranks. However English houses come with built in closets (and light fixtures--yay!), so we need to sell the closets we have. The movers don't come until Thursday, but we're going ahead with getting rid of the closets so that our last weekend in Germany can be relatively free of moving details and we can just enjoy.

But, of course, that means we have to empty the closets before tomorrow. And by "we", I mean "me". Never before in our marriage has the division of labor in this home been so sharply divided. So I've never really sifted through Skip's clothes during a move. Whereas I found one article of clothing that I own that dates back before our marriage (a super-soft sweatshirt from my Surf Expo days), Skip can boast quite a few articles of clothing that are older than our relationship. And as I've been sorting, I remembered our closets at home. They are quite large, but I cleared the majority of my clothing out so our house sitter could use it. Skip's is still quite full. So not only does he have more clothing here in Germany than I do, he has far more clothing sitting in Little Rock as well. When khakis and t-shirts are your uniform of choice, your clothes just don't go out out of style.

So the bedroom is looking pretty odd right now. Our bed is already gone to the folks who purchased it. And now I've got everything that's not on hangers in bags and bins. Skip's socks are in the free Jaegermeister shopping bag I got at my local grocery store yesterday where they were handing out free samples of Jaeger with your choice of mixer. (!) I'm not sure why anyone would even drink it, much less mix it with anything, but I like my free bag. Think they're going to start handing out samples of alcohol at the local Kroger in Little Rock this summer? Skip's collection of ball caps have fit very neatly into a bag from a tie store. I've got our shoes in a set of collapsable crates. And I've put all the clothing that could easily be snagged or damages in the move in plastic bins or over-sized Ziploc bags.

My friend Mary spent all morning with me yesterday helping me sort out Maddie's room and playroom. What a fabulous gift that was! SO much easier and more pleasant with someone else around to help.

Am hoping to finish up the majority of the sorting and sifting today. I am ready for the movers to come and haul it away.

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