Friday, September 15, 2006


Okay, I have a chance to log in from Skip's cousin's computer. Nothing here works right! The dishwasher is different. We finally got a washing machine and dryer, and the washing machine door locked and wouldn't open! The mops are different. The brooms are weird. I can't find a lunch box for Maddie to save mz life! We still have no television, telephone or Internet access at home! We have put together two Ikea beds and two Ikea closets--something I NEVER EVER want to repeat. I think I have carpel tunnel. Our container of stuff we had shipped is still in America waiting on all of Skip's work permit stuff to come through. That means all of Maddie's toys, my guitar, our towels, flatware and table are held up until ?????

On the upside, Maddie continues to enjoy school. Today was a teacher work day and Maddie and I had lunch with some of her classmates and their moms. We were the Americans. There were two Korean and one Japanese family. We are definitely expanding our horizons.

The other ex-pat wives who have been here awhile say the first month is awful, the next two months are not great, but after that, it's fabulous. We'll let you know!

1 comment:

David & Mel said...

I'm sorry things are so different for you. I know they will get better. We had our first session meeting without you. We used the format of worship you prepared and we all took part preparing it like we did a few months ago. It went pretty good. Leslie Beldon moderated and she brought Don Eilbott with her to give us the lowdown on interims. Boy can he talk, I guess as an attourney he is moved to. He could at least be interesting. Bob Buckalew suggested that Fred Ball be called back as an interim but the presbytery is not with that idea. Im not either. I love Fred but he has another call, I would be concerned about his seriousness if he should accept. Well any way as usual I pissed of Bob.
I see the work you began with us years ago. You were preparing us to continue to be the church after you left. We are going to be okay but we miss you very much.
Please squeeze Hairy for me and have Skip give you a big hug for me. I hope his new position leaves him enough space to enjoy his homeland.

Love David

P.S. Bob Owen died in hospice and at peace, thank you God