Sunday, September 10, 2006

It's Different Here

Somehow I think I had it in my head that with Internet, globlization, etc, that Western Europe would really just be a smaller, more quiant version of America where people spoke a different language and drank more beer. This is not the case.

For instance, we're sort of moving between our home and the hotel as we await delivery of beds. After our first meal at the house, we put our dishes in the dishwasher, used the box of stuff we got at the Aldi that said "dishwasher" on it and wondered why our dishes came out so odd looking--kind of drippy and spotty. Then I discover that German dishwashers require three separate products. What we had used as detergent was actually "special salt" which gets put in a certain compartment at the bottom of the washer and is replaced every two months or so. In another compartment, you have to add some water softener that also gets replaced every so often and THEN each time you wash, you add detergent, which comes in a square pellet form.

Also, and I have to say I found this kind of cool, they only sell condensor dryers here. You know how you have to have all that tubing and stuff in your laundry room? Not here. The water from the dryer collects in this little container and you just empty it after every load. I have to say I never really thought about where all the water from my wet clothes went. We still don't have our washer and dryer, but we went up to Skip's cousin's house in Dortmund to do some much needed laundry. His wife showed me how to correctly use all the appliances. In keeping with the smaller is better theme, the washers and dryers are small as well and the cycles take about an hour each. Letting laundry pile up here would not be a good thing!

We are still trying to get modem/cable/phone set up in our home. We can't get my new "handy" to work and we are looking for a place to buy me a bike. Maddie starts her new school tomorrow and was so excited we almost never got her to sleep.

Only two more nights in this hotel! I just want everyone to know that I have lived with my husband and daughter in one room for a week in a country where I don't speak the language and can't even get a real diet Coke (only a Coke light) and I have only broken into tears once. Apparently, many of you have been sending your prayers. Thanks!

P.S. As soon as we get Internet access at home, I can include pictures with the messages.

1 comment:

Karen said...

It's good to hear about your journey and that you're holding up well. We missed you this morning in our first session of the Daniel Bible Study. It's really going to be good and I appreciate your encouragement in undertaking it.

Take care,
