Friday, December 01, 2006

Happy Advent

We're picking Maddie up today at noon to head to Lubeck (check it out at and click on the British flag for English translation) to see Skip's cousin Joerg and wife Annallee and enjoy the Christmas markts there. Maddie is looking forward to the fairytale wood, and I want to be sure and make the one at the Hospital of the Holy Ghost.

Maddie is rejoicing that today is December 1 and she could start opening her Advent calendar which gives her a little bag of gummi candy everyday between now and Christmas.

My big triumph this week was finding a container of milk that was actually a liter and a HALF rather than simply one liter. It's the biggest milk container there is here. My friend Joy, who has four kids, has to buy six at a time. Joy has also rescued us by loaning us their portable DVD player for our trip up to Lubeck. Ours, of course, is in the container that, as Maddie says, is either on a really slow boat or in a really big ocean.

Still no word on our stuff. Really hope we get it before we come home for Christmas.

Christmastime in Germany is really amazing and beautiful, but it is still hard not to be at home. I can't be at the funeral today for my uncle who died this week, but thoughts and prayers are with my Aunt Gail and the rest of the family. If only we could travel by floo powder like they do in Harry Potter.

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