Thursday, December 14, 2006

Looking forward to

Just a few things I am looking forward to doing (other than seeing family and friends) when we get back to the States for Christmas:

  • Eating in a smoke free restaurant
  • Diet Coke (not Coca Cola Light)
  • Having an ice machine (a friend of mine requested ice in her Coke at a restaurant. When the waiter brought it without any ice, he told her "It's cold enough." Waiters don't work for tips here.)
  • Having a garbage disposal
  • Not having to squeegee down the shower walls after each shower to slow the calcium deposit build up.
  • Having people on the street smile back at me when I smile at them (The people here are actually very friendly, but almost never smile at a stranger, even if you smile at them).
  • Being able to communicate easily wherever I go
  • Not having to carry an umbrella everywhere

None of these things are necessities, but they sure will be nice.

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