Saturday, January 06, 2007

And We're Back

It only took us 21 hours door to door to arrive back in Duesseldorf, but we're back. Just a tip for those of traveling here...make sure if you use a different airline for domestic and international, the international has a baggage agreement with the domestic airline. Also, those from Little Rock should avoid JFK as you have to connect somewhere else to even get there. Go through Atlanta, or if you can travel on Monday, Orlando has a direct to Duesseldorf.

Well, Duesseldorf is the same as we left it...overcast and rainy. Although not quite as cold as it was when we departed, so that's a bonus.

We all slept until after noon today and are trying to get back on Germany time before Maddie starts back to school on Monday. I imagine at an international school, the first couple of days back after a long break are a little dicey when all of the students have returned from different time zones.

Now we try to unpack from our trip as well as put away the stuff from our shipment that arrived the day before we left.

Had a great Italian meal for dinner tonight at one of our favorite restaurants. Who knew that the best Italian food could be found in Germany?

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