Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Weird Things and Good Friends

Maddie and I couldn't get back to the house today after running an errand. We returned from the Real (pronounced Ree-Al) and a police car was blocking the turn onto the road that led to the road where our house is. So I went around the world to come at the road that leads to our road from what I think is the north (or is it the east) and cop car was blocking that entrance as well.

Maddie was really upset that we couldn't get to our house and even more so that I couldn't explain to her what was happening or when we might get to our house.

Unannounced, we landed at the doorstep of my friend Joy who fed us dinner and let Maddie play with Matthew and Madison until other friend Melanie let us know that the coast was clear. Apparently, there was a really bad wreck, so we could have parked the car and taken the train home, but there were workman digging up sidewalk near our home earlier and I was afraid there might have been a gas leak.

It's nice to be safe at home, but I imagine we will be making a late entrance to school in the A. M.

1 comment:

Chuck said...

Grusz from Little Rock. Have enjoyed your postings from the beginning. Wish we were there. Keep them coming. Sounds like you're having fun and excitement.