Wednesday, May 23, 2007

America Jones

It's getting bad around ISD. Everyone is ready to go home for a little while this summer. It seems everyone is in need of a little American Culture fix. Because even though being here in Germany affords us the chance to see Europe, 90 percent of the time, it's life as a stay-at-home mom--in a foreign country. The moms who are really done with the school year are those who used to put their kids on a school bus but now have to cart the kids to school (and pick them up) by train, foot, bike or car. Even those of my friends who have really mastered the German language are ready to be somewhere where they don't have to think so hard in order to communicate.

I personally am looking forward to the luxury of American grocery shopping. First of all, all the labels are in English and everyone speaks English and all the weights are in pounds and ounces. Then, there's the checkout. All I'll have to do is push the cart up. The nice lady takes everything out of my cart and scans it, then the nice (if somewhat bored looking) young man at the end of the counter bags my groceries, puts them back in the cart and even offers to tote them out to the car. I may even get a "thank you for shopping at Kroger." Ahhhhh.

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