Saturday, May 12, 2007

Oma, Opa and the Cheese

With Horst and Maja still recovering from jet lag, Maddie awoke at 5 A. M. with some sort of sympathy pains or something. We took off for Wesel for an outing with friend Klaus's parents--Ulrich and Caroline.

I smiled and nodded a lot as everyone spoke in German--although I must admit, I understood quite a bit more than I would have several months ago.

From there we headed to a lovely castle/art museum. It was a lovely time and Ulrich and Caroline are delightful hosts.

But our big event today is that we finally cut the cheese I made back in Feburary. You can tell by the pics that Maddie was less than impressed.

Caroline, Ulrich, Skip, Maddie, Maja and Horst

Maddie tries the cheese

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