Friday, August 31, 2007

A Regular Person

This was a feel-like-a-normal-person week.

One Tuesday, I went to a board meeting in the morning and led a Bible study in the afternoon. Boy did that feel familiar. Wednesday night, some friends and I went to the Sneak Peak Movie. It costs about half the price of a regular ticket and is always in English. The risk is that you don't know what movie it is until it starts. We lucked out. It was the Bourne Ultimatum. This is how much a movie geek I am. The movie starts with a pan out over a city and along the bottom of the screen the words "Moscow, Russia" are typed out. I leaned over to my friends and said, "It's the Bourne movie". Yes, I ID'd a movie from typeface.

Yesterday, I went with friends over the border to the Netherlands to go to a big outlet mall. Got the cutest outfit for Maddie and just enjoyed strolling and looking. The Dutch all speak English AND German. In fact, some of them speak better English than I do. They're also very customer service friendly. I think historically the Dutch have been the merchants of the area, and it shows when you're shopping.

It's been really cool for August, but this week we've had almost no rain--which means MAddie has been able to hit the playground every day after school. She has slept like a log.

On the let's-try-to-be-more German-like front, I have mastered the art of the chicken schnitzel. The key is to drag the chicken through flour, then egg, then bread crumbs before pan frying. Maddie loves it, but she's not up for the sauer kraut.

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