Saturday, August 18, 2007


It's been a busy transition back to school. Maddie was wiped out after two-and-a-half days of school. She loves it. Her only dissapointment is that she does not have the same German teacher.

I have been busy doing the layout for the magazine for the American Women's Club. It's a 36 page-plus cover publication. Someone else does the cover, but the insides are all mine. Haven't done this kind of thing in several years, so this first issue has really taken a lot of time. Got the first draft to the proofers--can't WAIT to see how many things are wrong. When it's done, I'll post a PDF on this blog for all of you who are yearning to have your finger on the pulse of the American Woman in Duesseldorf.

Skip has been glued to his computer and phone all week--the last three days he hasn't even had outside meetings, so he's barely left the house. So, we all got out today and went to this little amusement park that is adjacent to the Oberhausen Mall. We had a coupon for Maddie to get in free, so it was a very affordable, very enjoyable outing.

Will post pics later this week. I left the little device I use to transfer pics to the computer back in the states. It only costs 10 euros to replace--I just have to do it!

Skip got an interesting bit of information from his German colleagues about McDonalds. They are really impressed with MickeyD's because the food quality and taste is consistent throughout the chain. Consistency and reliability are near and dear to the folks in my host country. No wonder McDonald's is booming here!

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