Monday, November 26, 2007

Advent Coming

We had a HUGE dinner at the Foster Family home along with Oklahoma Mary and her family. Bless her, Mary made cornbread dressing. It's great to have someone over here who comes from around the same parts in the US. Nobody else understands missing a Route 44 diet cherry coke from Sonic or knows how to make dressing.

The pre-Christmas season has officially hit in Germany. Meaning that the Advent Markets are open. Except for yesterday which was Totensontag--or the Sunday of the Dead. Basically it's the Protestant All Saint's Day. So all the markets closed after being open for just one or two days. It's amazing how many religiously based holidays they have in a country where not many people actually attend church!

Speaking of church, I've started holding "Wednesday Worship" at my house on--of course--Wednesdays at 1:30. You can check out what's happening with that on my OTHER blog at Anyone think I might have a blog problem? My friend Andrea is amazed that I believe that other people care about what I have to say enough to actually post it on the Web. She may have a point.

Used my last packet of chili mix today. Good thing I'm coming home soon. It's very much chili weather here. It has not been nearly as wet as last November, but much colder. I never thought "cold" would become my preference, but I'll take it over daily rain anytime!

Before I get Maddie from school and get her to ballet (I HATE ballet days! Lot's of screaming, excited, hungry, tired little girls changing from school clothes to leotards and back to school clothes in a too-small dressing area with no place for moms to watch once they actually get in class), I have to seek out purple candles. Lots of Advent wreaths in Germany, but they all come with Red candles. I thought the whole liturgical color thing was universal, but I haven't seen a purple candled advent wreath yet. Here they are red. Come to think of it. I'm not going to look for purple candles. I'll just use the red ones, and I have no doubt that at some point, someone here can explain to me why the red is just better.

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