Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Ahhhh, Venice

Okay, so our trip to Venice had it's snake bitten moments--the hotel was further from Venice than we thought, Maddie had a cough, the discount airline was kind of a pain, and various other obstacles. But then, how much can you really complain when you get to go to Venice? It was crowded and over-commercialized and didn't have enough bathrooms for people traveling with a six-year-old, but it was still absolutely magical.

The hotel where we stayed was over an hour away from Venice, but it was fabulous. The best shower I've taken in all of Europe. Check it out at www.locandacandola.com.

So there are no cars allowed in Venice. And although there are all these canals, many of the homes and apartments sit on pedestrian streets. I want to know what happens when you need a new refrigerator or buy a new couch. It would literally have to be walked to your door from a boat.

I left my cell phone there. hoping to get it back, but in the meantime have picked up a replacement. I just do a pay-as-you-go plan, so it's not that big of a deal--except all the numbers are in the old one and that's the number everyone has. Told you--the trip was kind of snake bit. But it was still Venice.

Friend Andrea has come to visit from the US. She is jat lag recovering, but we are planning a grand time while she is here.

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