Thursday, April 10, 2008

What are the odds?

That the day that I have to wait at home for the dishwasher repair people is the first warm, sunny day we've add in ages! The weather has been steadily improving all week, but the temperatures have been cold. Today, it's a balmy 55 and the sun is out! Hoping that Maddie can get in a little playground time after school today.

On an interesting cultural note, I was talking to a friend of mine whose son is about to graduate from ISD. He's spent all four years of high school here, so even though he's American, he considered going to England for college thinking that culturally a European college might be less of a culture shock than going back to America. He discovered that changing cultures is changing cultures no matter how you slice it and has decided on Penn State. Now his big culture shock will be going from a country where the legal drinking age is 16 to one where it's 21.

Got my ducks in a row so I can go to Prague and not leave Maddie home alone. Another cultural tidbit--the American and British moms all seem to plan at least one girls weekend get-away a year. A few try to fit in one each semester. And when we do the moms from Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Austria, etc are always so impressed that we can talk our husbands in to staying with the children while we go away with friends. I can't believe I haven't broken out into a rash yet. Imagine, expecting husbands to take care of children?! Craziness!

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