Tuesday, April 29, 2008

What to do next?

There is so much to do in order to get ready to move, I hardly know which way to go each morning. Not only is there organizing and sorting stuff here in the house, wrapping up volunteer stuff with the American Women's Club (including training some replacements for my magazine layout responsibilities, researching and planning for the move in London, but there's also trying to squeeze in as much time as possible for me and for Maddie with the friends we've made here--many of whom are planning their own moves. It's a little nutty.

It's hard to figure out where and how to donate things here, but I'm sorting that out as well. One cool thing that we have are recycled clothing bins. That's where you can take the socks with no mates, the t-shirts with stains and the shoes too worn to pass on to anyone else, and they chop it all up and turn it all in to recycled fabrics. Nope. Just about nothing ends up in the trash here.

Skip's job is going well, but he'll like it a lot more when he's not commuting.

I continue to learn a little more each day about the world. Today at Maddie's swimming lesson, I was asking my Danish friend about her native language. I found out that even though Danish has quite a few words in common with German, the grammar is all different. When I asked if it was more like English, she said it was even different from that. They don't "bend" or conjugate verbs in Danish like we do in English--or French or German or Spanish. It's just the one verb, whether you're using I or they or she or we. I wonder if Danish kids make better grades in writing composition than English kids do just because that whole conjugation thing isn't there to trip them up?

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