Sunday, November 12, 2006

Movies et al

We went to see Open Season this afternoon, which is called Jagdfieber or "Hunter Fever" here in Germany. It was in German, so I didn't understand most of it, but language was not a barrier when the animals went after the hunters. Cartoons so often don't even need dialogue.

The movie theater we went to is part of a big complex up in Oberhausen--about 30 minutes away from here. What used to be an empty armory is now a big mall (American style), movie theater, hockey rink, live theater and a boardwalk full of restaurants. So after the movie, we headed down the boardwalk (or promenade) to find something to eat and had an odd experience. Our typical experience in Germany has been that the food is great, but the service is so-so. Wait staff here don't really work for tips, so they're just not as solicitous as their American counterparts who depend on them. We went to a Spanish restaurant and the staff was the best we've had, but the food was probably the worst.

Coming home we were listening to CD of music that Maddie's Sunday School class will be singing for a Christmas program at the Anglican church we've been going to. It's a nice mix of classic carols and some new music as well. When the CD was playing What Child is This?, Maddie said (completely straight), "You know what, Mama? It sounds like they're singing 'when shepherds fart' but they're really singing 'whom shepherds guard.'" I couldn't help it. I laughed until I cried, and then finally told Maddie that it was really good that she knew the right words before she had to sing them in church.

Our sad news for the weeked is that another member of Grace church died. Susie Groff was very special to me, and she and Maddie shared a passionate love for Gummi Bears. It's hard not to be there, but I am so happy that Grace has called a new interim minister. Gail Perkins is a wonderful pastor who I'm sure will help Grace continue to grow in Christ.

I will listen more carefully to Maddie's singing of Christmas Carols to make sure that she is getting all the right words, and I guess we'll head back to the restaurants where the wait staff ignores us.

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