Sunday, November 05, 2006

Random Scenes from Germany

We had a very German weekend.

Friday, I took a field trip to the Polish Pottery wholesaler in, of course, the Netherlands. Everyone knows to get a great deal on Polish Pottery, you have to go to Holland. ???

When you think of German cuisine, you may think of bratwurst, schnitzel, sour kraut and beer. What you may not think of is frozen pizza, but the Germans have great frozen pizza. We have some at least once a week. Friday night's pizza of choice was of the Turkish variety--featuring spiced beef, yellow, red and green peppers, onions and a few dollops of sour cream.

Saturday, we hit the Real (pronounced Ree-Al) which is the closest thing you can get in Germany to a Target, and Skip finally broke down and bought a third pair of shoes. Because our shipment still isn't here, he's been wearing either his running shoes or his one pair of dress shoes. Now he and Maddie both have some boots for the cold weather. I got my boots several weeks ago because I only had one pair of shoes here that didn't have open toes!

Saturday afternoon, Maddie's friend Meg came over to play. When her parents came to pick her up, we were very German-like and all sat down to coffee, tea and cake for the rest of the afternoon.

Sunday, we were back as the token Americans at the Anglican church. Still trying to adjust to the big stained window that features a knight on a horse slaying a dragon. Am told by folks in the know that this is an image of St. George. I'm just relieved that it wasn't depicting some Bible story from a book that I had just completely skipped along the way!

Sunday afternoon, Skip and Brad finished putting up the last of our lights. No more wires hanging down from the ceilings and a light in every room and staircase. Then we got to go over to Brad and Melanie's for a fabulous meal and Maddie got to play with their eight-year-old daughters, Paige and Zoe.

Still no word on when our stuff will arrive. But the right people are bugging the right people, so hopefully it will be soon.

We had a really good weekend except for an upsetting e-mail that the church where Maddie was baptized in Boston recieved a threatening letter because they are welcoming of African-Americans, Chinese and homosexuals. Somehow I will feel better if the person who sent it is mentally ill and not just plain hateful. Please keep Fourth Presbyterian Church in South Boston in your prayers.

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