Thursday, November 02, 2006

Random Updates

Skip has installed two more lights...all on his own!

I have invested in non-slip socks to wear in the house since I slipped on the stairs this morning and have a big bruise on my posterior and a pulled something or other in my left hand.

Maddie and her friend Leoni will be carrying a Latana or latern in the school assembly for their class tomorrow. It is in anticipation of St. Martin's Day which is coming up next week. It's a big deal here in Germany and all the kids make paper laterns and then stores sell these battery-powered light sticks to hang them on.

You can tell we are non-Germans by the front of our house. Nothing adorns the door, no flowers in the window and we've just about let the potted plant on the front stoop die. To remedy this, we have ordered a wreath from my sister-in-law. Check out her site at New England Barn Wreaths

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