Friday, March 16, 2007

Deutsche Dora

Maddie and I have been watching Nick Jr in the mornings before school on the German Nick TV. And when we watch Dora, we also learn a little Spanish to. Yes, my German has progressed enough that I can almost, sort of understand what's happening on a television show geared to 3 to 5 year olds. But I've turned it back on when Maddie is at school and found programs geared to slightly older children, and I have no idea what they are saying. Well, at least I can talk to the German kids on the playground.

I told my German teacher and my Norwegian class partner about watching Dora and they had no idea what I was talking about. It was very strange to be in a room with two people who had no frame of reference for Dora the Explorer.

It was the same looks I got earlier this week when I went to Maddie's school on career day to tell about being a preacher. Most of the kids don't attend religious services, so they just had no frame of reference for what I was talking about. Mercifully, I brought my guitar along, so most of the kids left thinking I was some sort of song leader who taught them a little Hebrew and Greek.

A land where people don't know Dora or what a preacher is--I definitely ain't in Arkansas!


Ashley said...

Hey Anne! I've been enjoying keeping up with you guys on your blog. We actually have a young lady in our youth group this year who is an exchange student from Germany. I've showed her your blog and she loves reading your perspective of moving there while she is living here. Take Care! Ashley Clark

Anne said...


So great to hear from you! Hope to see you when Maddie and I are home this summer. Where is your exchange student from?