Monday, March 12, 2007

The Power of Vitamin D

Omigosh! The Sun has shone here for three days in a row. This is actually a beautiful country. Who knew? It's been obscured for the last four months by gray skies and almost-daily rain. I didn't think I was suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), but after three days of sun, I feel like an entirely different person. I smile without having to work at it.

At pick-up and drop-off at school, the moms are a little punch drunk on all the extra Vitamin D. I'm planning on purchasing a pair of sunglasses tomorrow. I never thought it would happen here.

Another bonus today: our dryer has been slowly becoming less and less effective. We couldn't figure out why. We were cleaning the lint trap and emptying the water (it's a condenser drier). It was taking all day to dry a load of clothes. So Skip finally took heed of those wise words Bill Irwin (father of my college room mate) once offered--he read the book that came with the drier and discovered that there's a part that needs to be removed and rinsed out once a month. After cleaning out six months of gunk that had accumulated, our drier once again lives up to its name.

Maddie has recorder lessons tomorrow. She has been practicing faithfully since she began this two weeks ago. Please join Skip and me in praying that tomorrow, she learns to play a second note.

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