Monday, March 19, 2007


Not really something that I expected to learn to make here in Germany, but my Japanese friend, Mikki, had me and two other moms with kids in Maddie's class over to learn how to roll Sushi. Maike, who is from Holland, but has lived in Singapore, already knew a thing or two about it, but Joy and I were novices. (I bet you can guess who is who in the photos.)

I'm not sure it was technically Sushi, since only vegetables and rice were involved, but the rolls came out great. Mikki is going to take us some time in the next few weeks to the Japanese store to get all the tools we need to do this at home. I love all the flavors of Japanese food, so it's really neat to learn from an expert.

The afternoon helped make up for a horrible morning. I had several loads of laundry and some housework that HAD to be done today(there is a limit to what even I can stand), and we have some new neighbors. Most homes you rent in Germany don't come with kitchens. The renters have to have everything installed--and that's what was happening next door. Three solid hours of pounding. And since our houses are narrow and tall, there was no room in the house to get away from it. I'm pretty sure the the sushi making was really fun, but I was so glad to get out of this house, I might have felt that way about anything!

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