Thursday, June 28, 2007

Headed Home

Woo hoo! We leave tomorrow in the a.m. Am very excited to get back to the States. Being a stranger in a strange land can really wear you out. Am looking forward to the relaxed-ness that comes with being fully conversant in the language of the people.

things I am looking forward to:

  • seeing friends and family
  • a large shower
  • ice and water out of the refrigerator door
  • a freezer that holds more than a pizza and a box of popsicles
  • grits
  • free water in restaurants
  • Mexican food
  • Presbyterian church
  • Target
  • not having to think about how to ask for something in a store or restaurant
  • movies and American television--I hear "The Closer" is back for a third summer season

things I will miss:
  • being able to walk or take the train to places
  • friends I've made here
  • chocolate
  • restaurants where you can eat outside and let the kids play together at the playground
Looking forward to being home!

1 comment:

Brooke said...

The Sanders are counting the minutes until we get to "hug your neck!"