Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Southern France (Part One)

Behind on posts because I didn't have my computer with me in Southern France.

We stayed in Frejus (for those of you up on your French geography, it's on the coast between Nice and St. Tropez) which was founded by Julius Caesar. Can you imagine? There are ruins there that date back to the 1st century B.C. I don't think that Maddie could quite wrap her mind around the idea that she was looking at stones that had been put into columns before Jesus was born. Back in "Jesus time" is the oldest time she knows!

Maddie and me in our matching ISD t-shirts in front of our hotel. The hotel was very nice, but Maddie was the only kid there. I've come to realize that a nice hotel when you have a six-year-old is one with an ice and coke machine down the hall and a McDonald's next door!

Maddie at the beach on the Mediteranean sea. Tried to get a Skip a swimsuit like the guy in the picture, but he was having none of it!

Went for a couple of hours to the harbor at St. Tropez. Skip is thinking of buying this boat. It's one of the small ones in that harbor.

Right after this picture was taken we ran into a kid who goes to school with Maddie at ISD and his dad. They have a summer home there that looks out over these rocks and a boat in the harbor. I told him we would be "summering" in Little Rock where Maddie would be attending church camp and swimming in our friend's pool.

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