Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Next to the Last Day of School

Every ex-pat in Duesseldorf is emotionally spent right now. With all the people who are leaving at the end of this school year, coupled with all the folks who don't know if they will or won't be here when school starts next year, the moms and the kids are worn out. The problem is the kids don't know what's wrong--they just have this huge bundle of emotions going on--so they can scream, cry, laugh or just completely fall apart at the drop of a hat. It's really fun for everyone.

Tomorrow is a half-day of school. If the weather is nice, a bunch of moms and kids are planning to head to Nordpark after school--but the forecast is not looking so good. We'll keep our fingers crossed.

Max, teacher aid Mrs. Christoffles, Mrs. Codjoe and Maddie

Buddy Konstatine Von Stein with Maddie

Kahn Woon, Jonas and Maddie

My friends Robin and Jennifer. Robin is back in the states at the end of August and it is unsure whether or not Jennifer will be here when we return from the states.

Maddie has developed some killer upper body strength on the ISD playground. She can cross the entire arc of the monkey bars.

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