Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Great Wedding

Am way behind on my blogging.

Uncle Brian had a beautiful wedding. Not only has he married a lovely woman, but into a really nice family. Everyone went out of their way to make the Lentz family feel at home and completely included in all of the wedding festivities. Maddie was a beautiful flower girl (picture to post later) and Skip did a great job with his "best man" toast. I had the privilege of co-officiating with the god mother of the bride who is a nun in the same order as the nuns I did my chaplaincy under. The Sisters of Notre Dame are one fiercely devoted order. They work with poorest and most marginalized among us, and every one of them I have met have been absolutely delightful.

My mom and dad came up for the wedding which was great on many levels. It was great to see them and they were a great help with Maddie. Two different nights, they got her back to bed when she was about to crash so Skip and I could stay and participate in the wedding activities. It was a like a bonus visit because we thought we wouldn't get to see them until Christmas.

Maddie got off the plane at 7 a.m. yesterday, came home and changed, was at school when it started at 8:40. Stayed all day AND went to recorder lessons after. Last night she went to bed at 7 p.m. and I woke her up this morning at 9 a.m. We were a little late today. But man, what a trooper! She is the best traveler ever!

Skip and I are struggling a little more than she is, and me more than Skip. I read about some kind of new homeopathic jet lag medicine when I was in the states. Am going to find it before Christmas.

Things like this make me so envious of the Brits living here. When they have a family event, it's just a hop, skip and a jump home. It's not a 7 hour flight with a six hour time change and then another 7 hour drive just to get there and all that in reverse on the way home!

Will post picture soon when I get a little more caught up here.

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