Thursday, October 11, 2007

Re-Entry and Wedding Pics

Boy, re-entry is hard!

Maddie blew her record last night by waking up at 10 p.m. and pretty much throwing a fit until midnight. I knew the bubble had to burst! Rob and I are still operating at about half steam, but it's getting better. The weather has been really, really nice--if a lot colder than it was in Maryland--so that has helped.

Rosie the bunny really missed us and now we're going to leave her again to go to Mallorca (or Majorca, depending on whether you are in Spain or Germany). Maybe I'm making that up and she couldn't care less.

anyway, here are some pics from the wedding. Don't have any from the ceremony because all of us were otherwise engaged. Hopefully, the bride and groom will post some pics eventually. The setting was beautiful!

Brian and Ann are in Cabo San Lucas right now on the their honeymoon. Horst and Maja are on a Hawaiian cruise to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary and Skip and I are in Germany. If Vern and Beth would just head off to Asia (or maybe Australia), the Lentz family would be covering the 4 corners!

The Happy Couple

Hippest Flower Girl EVER

Maddie with her Papa John and Opa

The Groom, the Best Man and Maddie

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