Sunday, October 28, 2007

Time Change

We here in Germany fell back one week earlier than our American counterparts. So for those of you in the Central Time Zone, for the next week, we'll only be 6 hours ahead of you instead of 7. Just an FYI.

Am trying to muck through a pile of laundry that appeared over the course of this week and catch up on all the other stuff that got left behind in the wake of the Halloween Party. Have I mentioned that I'm glad that's over?

At church this morning, we prayed for the Queen. That would be the Queen of England. We didn't pray for the prime minister or any other world leaders, but we did pray for the Queen. I think it's time the Anglicans updated their prayer book.

Skip is off at a Brussir Dortmund game this evening. He has really enjoyed the season tickets he got with his cousin Torsten. Maddie and I had her friends Matthew and Madison over this afternoon to give mom Joy a break as she's juggling 4 kids and a husband in the hospital. He continues to improve, but will probably be there for at least a week. To make things even better, all the kids are out of school on Thursday and Friday for All Souls and All Saints days. They don't even pretend to hold school at that place!

Want to get Maddie to bed early tonight. It is so hard to get her out the door when it's still dark outside! I think it should still be light when we leave the house for another month or so, but I have to get her up when it's still dark. She hates that. She also hates going to bed in the spring when it's still light. Would have made a good farm kid. To bed when the sun goes down. Wake up when the sun comes up. It's all that work in between that wouldn't work for her.

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