Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Lights...Never Take Them for Granted

I may have mentioned before that German homes don't come with lights--just wires hanging down from the ceiling where you can install the lights that you purchase. I might also mention that these lights won't work in the US, so we'll need to sell them before we return.

Today our friend Brad came over to help us install a few more lights. There are 11 wires hanging down in all and after today we have all but four of them up. Each fixture presents its own set of problems:

The ceiling over the dining room table presented a problem because there seems to be a concrete block in our ceiling. So a fairly large light fixture is hanging from only one screw.
Brad and Skip are thinking of investing in titanium drill bits to see if that will get through the concrete.

In the kitchen, the wire had a slit in it and it hit the brace of the light, scorched the metal in the light fixture and blew the fuse. It fused the light switch to a permanent "on" position. Brad and Skip just switched out the stuff from another switch that doesn't seem to do anything. I should mention that Brad builds robots for a living.

They couldn't get to all the fixtures, so Brad left all his tools here for Skip to venture forth on his own. Just something else to add to your prayer list.

1 comment:

Mel&Brad said...

Hello Anne, This is Brad I am glad you posted my robot building abilities but what happened to the rocket scientist? See you Sunday!