Vern and Beth Lentz
Maddie with Brian and Ann Lentz
Maddie with one of her Santa gifts
We're here in Connecticut with Skip's family for Christmas. Both of Skip's brothers and their wives and Vern's two boys were here for Christmas Eve, so the whole family made it this year. Good German girl that she has, Maddie created a system for organizing and handing out the presents. She took her role very seriously and the distribution of gifts went extremely smoothly, I must say.
Skip and Maddie and I went to the church service at the Congregational Church where Skip attended growing up. It's like something out of a Christmas postcard. There was a great moment during the scripture reading, right after the reader read that the angel of the Lord appeared to the shepherds, there was this tremendous feedback over the sound system that just about blew everyone out of our seats. Of course the next line after it cleared up was "Be not afraid." Kind of gave us a real feel for just how startled those shepherds were.
Here are some pics. We had a White Christmas and Maddie has really enjoyed the snow.
I scored an I-pod from my husband, so my reflections on the birth of Christ may be interrupted by the downloading of music. Actually, I can download the Christmas podcast from several churches out there and have sermons to go.
Merry Christmas