Thursday, June 07, 2007

Another Holiday

Germans are the holiday-edness people ever. And for the third time a German holiday hits in the middle of a week, Skip is in London. I don't know why the Americans and the Brits don't check the German holiday calendar when scheduling meetings. Probably because they'd never find a time to schedule!

Today is Corpus Christi which happens the second Thursday after Pentecost Sunday. Germans make much better time of their one-day holidays than Americans. We tend to hit the stores for sales, but here the stores are closed, so folks go walking and visit with one another. Radical, I know.

Oma and Opa are back after a whirlwind tour of Germany. They will try to recuperate here before returning to the states on Sunday.

Maddie and I used the holiday to finally make a lemon meringue pie--something she's been asking to do ever since reading that Amelia Bedelia book where Amelia gets out of a whole heap of trouble because she makes a fantastic lemon meringue pie. I think Maddie's thinking that's a good thing to know how to do if it makes people forget to be mad at you. She's no dummy.


Brooke said...

I find a vanilla wafer crust adds interest--as well as lemon rind..miss you Brooke

Brooke said...

I find a vanilla wafer crust adds interest--as well as lemon rind..miss you Brooke

Anne said...

You're assuming that one could obtain a Vanilla wafer here in Germany. A vanilla wafer is not a universal cookie. Much like the graham cracker. Both, apparently, quite American