Friday, February 23, 2007

Disneyland Paris

Well, the French can't quite pull of the whole Disney attitude (note the expression on the "cast member's" face) that the folks in America can, but Maddie had a great time at Disneyland Paris. The Magic Kingdom is very much like the one in Orlando on a smaller scale. Instead of Cinderella's castle, this one has Sleeping Beauty's castle, complete with a dragon sleeping in the basement.

It was pretty cold, but that didn't keep the crowds away--French, Germans, Brits, Dutch, Italians, Americans--we were all there, bundled up and standing in line. It rained one morning, but that didn't slow anyone down either. It's amazing how living in Europe has completely changed our view of what "good" weather is. There is no bad weather, only inappropriately dressed people.

The princesses were featured in a daily parade, but didn't wander around to meet and greet the kids. Later we figured that it was because Snow White would need to know about 8 different languages in order to talk to all the kids!

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