Friday, February 02, 2007

Reebok--The International Language

Went to a step aerobics class at my gym today for the first time. Apparently the language of step aerobics ("invented" by the folks at Reebok) is the same in any country. Basic step, repeater step, travel, shuffle and crunch were the vocabularly of the instructor. Of course, you had to know how to count to at least 8 in German in order to know how many more of those kleine (small) crunches were left!

A German aerobics class is a fairly intense experience. Germans tend to be pretty serious about whatever they do and the that includes exercise. Plus the German language already sounds a little harsh to the American ear, so you can imagine what it sounds like when an instructor is barking out commands over a microphone. Ein! zwei! drei! vier! Schmerzen Sie? Gut! You don't dare slack off in this class!

We purchased some paintings last week from a local artist and he's coming to our home tomorrow morning to hang them. Will have some pictures of them up tomorrow. We're very excited about this. As I may have mentioned before, every wall in the house is white. The paintings are going to be a really nice edition, and they'll look great back in our home in the states as well.

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