Monday, February 12, 2007

Jello, Gelo Myrtol and Gesundheit

Well, after six months in Germany, we needed to take Maddie to the doctor. About half the kids in school have this virus that comes with a cough and a fever. We figured she had the same thing, but wanted someone with a medical degree to check her lungs and ears to make sure there was no infection. Sure enough, the doc prescribed fluids and rest.

Very informal process here. We had problems finding the registration area for the Kinder Klinik in the local hospital, because there is not one. The Kinder Klinik is just in the middle of the hospital. You just go to this closed door, knock on it to let them know you're there and then a nurse brings you in the exam room, asks for your insurance card and in about five minutes the doc walks in and in another five minutes, you're done. The doctor was female, wore jeans and spoke very good English. We'll get a statement in the mail. Didn't even go to a billing desk or office. We were told this is a little different than the norm because this clinic is only for private pay health insurance.

We did pick up some cough medicine at the Apotheke and I got another package of Gelo Myrtol. This is the German answer to Sudafed. You can't get pseudoephedrine here without a perscription. I don't know what Gelo Myrtol is or what is in it, but it does good things for a stopped up nose.

Because it's a good "sick" food, I made Maddie some jello. Not Jello-brand, but whatever the German version is. First of all, it gels in less than an hour. Secondly, I think it tastes really funny. The consistency is different from what we're used to in the states and the flavor is just a little different--like something I've had, but not in Jello form. I think the cherry is kind of like a cherry Jolly Rancher flavor, but I still haven't put my finger on the green. Maddie and Skip like it fine, but I think I'll steer clear from now on.

Maddie and I both had several things planned this week, but now all bets are off. Our only goal is to have everyone healthy when we leave for Paris on Friday!

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