Saturday, February 10, 2007

Fertig (Finished)

So I was heading back home after a week of intensive German classes. All day. Every day. Skip rearranged his schedule to pick up Maddie after school. The house was a mess and the laundry was piling up because in addition to both of us being tied up, our drier died and had to be repaired.

I'm on the train and two twenty-something girls sit down next to me and begin talking. I'm thinking, "Great. I just spent a week of my life in this class, and I can't understand a word these people are saying! A lot of good that did." Then after about 10 seconds I realized they weren't speaking German--it was Russian or Polish. Whew!

Today my big triumph is that I went up to the deli counter and ordered three different kinds of sandwich meats. Until now, I had just bought whatever was pre-packaged because it was too hard to communicate with the people behind the counter. I still shy away from the meat counter because not only am I not sure what some of the cuts are, I still can't think in terms of kilos and I'm not sure how much to get and how much it will all cost. Baby steps.

Here are some photos of the art we recently purchased. Skip took them on his phone. We hope to replace our camera today. We still have a lot of very white wall space, but getting these paintings has really helped warm the place up.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Anne, Robert and Maddie! We were thinking of you and think your new furniture fits perfectly. We hope that all is going well. This week Daniel and I (Merry) came to visit Annelie and Jörg, and this email is from all of us. Lots of love, Merry, Annelie, Daniel, Jörg und Omi