Thursday, February 22, 2007


Well, we were mostly recovered from what was being dubbed the ISD flu. I was still taking antibiotics for an ear infection and Skip sounded like he might cough up a lung from time to time, but we headed out for Paris. We used up three years worth of Marriott points to book a hotel on the Champs D'Elysee, and we weren't going to let a little phlegm stop us.

Getting into Paris almost did us in. Our navigational system in the car (Navi Girl, as we like to call her) to us through the rotary (or round-a-bout) around the Arc de Triomphe. It has at least 10 streets that feed into it. I thought after driving in Boston, nothing would faze us, but neither one of us had ever seen anything like this. Skip was driving and had just about sweated through his clothing by the time we made it through this.

Our unintentional theme for the trip was "the views of Paris". We climbed the Arc de Triopmphe, rode to the top of the Eiffel Tower and climbed the towers of Notre Dame. We also took an evening boat ride along the Seine. Paris is such a beautiful city.

Maddie really enjoyed the Eiffel Tower and getting to see the towers where Quaismodo lived. The highlight of the trip for Skip was Maddie riding on this old fashioned carousel that was operated by a handcrank. It was in the parc at the foot of the Eiffel Tower.

Here are the pictures in order:

Maddie on the hand-cranked carousel
Skip and Maddie in front of our hotel room
The view from the top of the stairs at the arch de triomphe
The view of Sacre Coeur from the top of the arch de triomphe
The gargolyes view of Paris from the top of Notre Dame
Maddie in front of the Eiffel Tower
Notre Dame

Coming soon: our pics from Disneyland Paris

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