Okay, I really didn't realize how different the food is here until today at Wal-Mart. There was a guy just inside the door with a hot dog cart selling "American Hot Dogs." On our way out, Maddie asked if she could have one. She's not a big hot dog eater, so I asked if she was sure and she insisted. She ate all but two bites of a FOOT LONG hot dog with a bun and ketchup. She kept saying, this is a great hot dog, Mommy. She has decided that hot dogs are the Friday Special at Wal-Mart and that we can get one there every week. Hope she's right! She hasn't eaten that much of a meat product since we got here.
Just some of the food differences between America and Germany:They often serve mayo with french fries.
Curry is the condiment of the hour. Curry powder, curry wurst, curry sauce. Heinz even makes a curry sauce in a bottle that looks like ketchup.
They like to plop a sunny side up egg on top of things that really don't call for it.
You can't buy popcorn shrimp in the frozen food section of the grocery store. This was a previous staple of Maddie's diet.
Vinegar is big.
Produce, except in large grocery stores, is ridiculously and wonderfully fresh. Maddie eats at least an apple a day and so far, the old adage has held true.
Mexican food is VERY hard to come by.
McDonald's fries their fries in something other than vegetable oil. In fact, just about all restaurants are frying in something other than vegetable oil. Not sure if it's peanut oil or animal fat, but it's heavy!
The Atkins diet must have flopped here big time. Nobody could give up the great bread you can find here.
This is kind of a food thing that I just realized today. Duesseldorf reminds me a lot of Boston. And in Boston, people were almost permanently attached to cup of coffee wherever they went. In Duesseldorf, you almost never see anyone walking around with a cup of coffee. You sit down to have coffee. However, you see people all the time walking around with ice cream cones. When we lived in Boston, it was just the opposite. People walked all over with cups of coffee, but the outside of ice cream parlors was always crowded with people who were sitting down to eat their ice cream. Don't know what it all means. Just found it interesting.
Anyway, I'm going to go make my kid a breakfast-for-dinner meal of American pancakes (that's the name of the mix) and bacon. The bacon here is so salty that I can't eat it, but Maddie and Skip seem to like it.