Sunday, October 08, 2006

We have Chairs!

Sat at our own table to eat today. We have six chairs! I sat in all of them. Really good feeling. We also got two more kleidershranks (or closets) to give us somewhere to put stuff. We were skirting the law here today in moving the furniture from one house to another. Sundays are by LAW quiet hours here in Germany. You cannot mow your lawn or play loud music. All stores are closed except gas stations and a handful of small grocery-type convenience stores (they are exempt through some statute). It's funny to me that the government enforces Sabbath in a country where a very small percentage of the population actually attends church. It does make for peaceful Sundays--and very little traffic on the way to church.

We have a cable television package that doesn't give us much US TV to watch--Maddie can get Boomerang and I can get Fashion TV and E--Entertainment Television so I'll be able to keep up with the latest skirt lengths and what's up with the Olsen Twins. But Skip has this great sports package and actually got to watch the Arkansas Auburn game a day late.

Skip was really quite mean about the whole TV thing today. I've been trying to find something that I might enjoy watching and he called from downstairs, "Anne, in about 20 minutes, there's a program coming you're going to love!" All excited, I call down "What?" Would you believe we can't get Grey's Anatomy or Boston Legal, but we get Joel Osteen! There is no where to hide, is there?

Here's a couple more pics of Maddie with friends. The first one is with her friend Meg, from England, and the other one is her buddy Matthew. Matthew has three older sisters (one of whom is just one minute older), and he just loves girls! His mom, Joy, has loaned us some toys for Maddie to play with until our container with all of hers arrives. We have indeed met some very nice people here.

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