Sunday, October 15, 2006

Weekend Stuff

Friday is market day in Kaiserswerth. Every Friday from about 7 a.m. until noon, sellers set up booths of veggies, cheese, bread, meat and even fish. There's an even bigger market every day in downtown Duesseldorf in the Alstadt (old town).

Saturday, we went to Schloss Dyck which is a castle not too far from Duesseldorf. Not the best pick for Maddie since this castle's big claim to fame is it's gardens. She got kind of bored until we found the play area.

We're supposed to go to a German-American Day celebration today and I'm supposed to bring some kind of finger food. Since I haven't figured out how to bake in Germany yet (baking soda doesn't exist, the baking powder works differently and the flour has numbers like 450 or 550 and I don't know which to use for what), I decided to make deviled eggs. Seemed like a no brainer. Germans love eggs. If you're not careful, you're as likely as not to get an order in a restaurant served to you with a big ol' fried egg on top of it.

However, the deviled egg plan has not turned out so great. The tube mayo that they sell here made the mixture a really weird consistency and then I couldn't even cover it up with paprika since "paprika" in Germany is a bell pepper, so I have no idea to buy to get what would be paprika in the states. Next time I'll shell out the extra bucks for the imported Hellmans!

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