Monday, October 16, 2006

Things I Have Learned Thus Far

In Germany:

Strawberry Shortcake is Emily Erdberen

Mister Clean is Meister Proper

Barbie is Barbie

Bob the Builder is Bob Baumeister

If you turn the radio to a pop music station, chances are within any 30 minute time period you will hear a Red Hot Chili Pepper’s song.

Coffee does not come with free refills.

The Swiffer (both wet and dry) is a daily necessity here.

Sometimes people here sound like they are angry with you, but really, they’re just speaking German.

Because Germans so appreciate visual beauty, there are beautiful things everywhere. From flowers to tablecloths to dishes to artwork.

No matter where you go in Germany, there is a playground nearby.

Germans can linger for three hours over a simple dinner in a restaurant, but once they get behind the wheel of a car, you don’t want to be the person who slows them down.

1 comment:

David & Mel said...

I never realized it before but I think I'm German, except for the Swiffering thing. Keep it coming, with these reports I'm saving a ton on travel expences. And I'm saving the world the undeserved pleasure of seing me in lederhosen.

Love David and Mel