We actually had lunch at the Carsch Haus, which is an upscale department store. They have an entire market area with all sorts of restaurants. We ate at a really good Indian place, but there was also Chinese, seafood, a champagne bar, a pub and a deli.
Now today Skip just had curry chicken, but he's really been making some unusual choices (at least by American standards) at restaurants lately. On Friday night, he had a pig's leg. Really. A roasted pig's leg. Another day this week, he ordered a mushroom pancake. And as a special treat today for breakfast, I fried him up a thick slice of leberkase topped with a fried egg. Leberkase is a pate made from pork or veal liver, pork belly, garlic and onions and shaped into a loaf and sliced. I knew he wanted to get back to his German roots, but I didn't real

I love reading about your experiences and the photos. I'm so glad Nancy and John are coming here Thanksgiving....also Marie.
Looking forward to seeing you in December.
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