Sunday, October 29, 2006

Shopping Frenzy

We made a bit of an error today. Shops in Germany, by law, are closed on Sunday. So after church today, we thought it would be nice to head into the Alstadt and have lunch. Only the restaurants are open, so it wouldn't be too crowded and we could have some practice navigating that area of town by car. We inadvertently chose one of the three to four Sundays of the year when shops CAN be open. It was wall to wall people.

We actually had lunch at the Carsch Haus, which is an upscale department store. They have an entire market area with all sorts of restaurants. We ate at a really good Indian place, but there was also Chinese, seafood, a champagne bar, a pub and a deli.

Now today Skip just had curry chicken, but he's really been making some unusual choices (at least by American standards) at restaurants lately. On Friday night, he had a pig's leg. Really. A roasted pig's leg. Another day this week, he ordered a mushroom pancake. And as a special treat today for breakfast, I fried him up a thick slice of leberkase topped with a fried egg. Leberkase is a pate made from pork or veal liver, pork belly, garlic and onions and shaped into a loaf and sliced. I knew he wanted to get back to his German roots, but I didn't realize it would be a culinary journey.


Unknown said...


Aunt Carole said...

I love reading about your experiences and the photos. I'm so glad Nancy and John are coming here Thanksgiving....also Marie.

Looking forward to seeing you in December.