Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Fall Break

The fall break portion of the blog is also for Skip who is in "the states" this week for training and to pick up some much needed items for us back in Germany. Our shipment of stuff will probably not be here in time for Halloween which means I needed another Tinker Bell costume for Maddie. Mom was great and got the last one at Target!

Yesterday Maddie and I hit the Aqua Zoo in Duesseldorf where, naturally, her favorite thing was the playground.

Afterwards, we hit Apfelparadies, a local fruit and vegetable stand for yet more apples. They're one of the few things that Maddie will eat here on a consistent basis.

Today we went to Schloss Burg with Maddie's friends Meg and her parents Steve and Anne. The village, as Anne said, was quite "twee".

We were able to tour the castle, take a ride on a ski lift to the bottom of the village, eat lunch that a goat dropped in on and enjoy a beautiful sunny day (which don't come often enough here!)


Karen said...

Great pictures! We love the pictures of Maddie but how about a few of dear ole Anne? We miss you!


Anne said...

I try to avoid pictures of me--especially since I haven't gone to the trouble of finding a hair dresser here and need to do so...badly. Perhaps when I'm a bit better groomed.