Tuesday, February 19, 2008

100 Days

Last week was the 100th day of school at ISD and this week, the First Graders got to do the presentation in the weekly assembly. The school let the parents come in to see the program after the other kids went back to class. Maddie was chosen to be the person from her class who did the introduction. Skip and Mom and I were impressed that she was the one who was asked, but Maddie didn't seem to get it. She said her teacher asked her if she thought she could do it and she said, "Sure."

After watching the assembly, Mom and I headed to Roermond in the Netherlands. It's a really charming little town with a canal and an historic old town area with a walking district. It was nice enough in Duesseldorf, but boy what a difference 40 minutes makes when you head west into the flatlands. It was bitterly cold. Not a good walking around day at all! February really is a lovely time to visit Northern Europe. We're hoping for warmer weather by the time Skip's brother Brian and his new wife come for their visit!

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