Friday, February 01, 2008

Time to Leave

Okay, I have officially been in Germany too long. Today I burned my arm ironing sheets. I realize that, for some people, ironing bedding is a regular occurrence. I, however, don't believe I have ever ironed bedding in my life. I mean, you're going to sleep on it. It's going to get wrinkled anyway. But cousin Ollie was going to be in town and spend the night with us tonight. After I pulled the sheets and the duvet cover out of the dryer, I felt they were far to wrinkled to go on the bed. What has happened to me? Hopefully we'll be out of here before I start sweeping the garage.

It's Karneval Time here in Duesseldorf, and while I haven't made it to any festivities yet (Maddie is running the same 102 degree fever she had last year at Karneval time), here's a pic of some of my friends.

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