Saturday, February 09, 2008


Maddie has been sick for Karneval activities in Duesseldorf both years we've lived here. So I told her this year, we'd have some of her friends over and everyone could dress up and we'd have our own little Karneval Party.

Of course, it ended up happening when Skip was out of town skiing. Luckily, friend Joy is also out of town, so her husband Ron came with their kids and the neighbors kids and stayed to help. I had nine kids under the age of 8 in my house. For some people, that's par for the course, for me, it's a major endeavor. We had our own little parade around the neighborhood, played some games, made some bunnies from a kit Maddie ordered from Oriental Trading and then had lunch followed by cake that Maddie helped make. When it was all over, Maddie declared it the best party ever. I've now strategically placed her in front of the television and I'm about to nap. It's okay--it's German television, so she's learning something.

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