Monday, February 18, 2008

A Good time to Go Veggie

So, I woke up this morning--two weeks into my Lenten veggie pledge--with a little bit of a meat craving. I've kind of unwillingly cheated on my meat fast as I spent about 4 days with strep throat in which I didn't really eat anything, so giving up meat wasn't a stretch. And it hasn't been a problem at all, except for today when I woke up wanting something more protein packed than an egg, a handful of almonds or some tofu.

My craving was quickly cured as soon as I logged in to to see the massive beef recall that is going on in the states. Garbanzo beans are looking better and better!

Am enjoying hanging out with my mom who is here until Friday morning. We're going to head to Holland tomorrow after seeing Maddie take center stage at the school assembly. She gets to introduce the First Graders 100 days projects to the whole elementary school. We were all so excited that she'd been chosen to be the one from her class who gets to speak, and she didn't see the big deal.

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