Thursday, February 07, 2008

Look for Skip on TV

Skip headed off today for Garmish for the World Downhill Ski Championships. He's meeting his cousin Ollie there. Here's what he looked like headed out to catch the train with his snowboard, helmet and boots in tow. (okay, maybe later, I can't get pictures to load) So if you watch the contest on tv, look for them in the crowd. I've charged him with getting Bode Miller's autograph.

Maddie is finally going back to school tomorrow. Phewf! She's been a real trouper about this whole mitigated chicken pox thing. Her first dress rehearsal for Peter Pan is tomorrow, so she really needed to be well enough to go to school.

I've made it through my second day as a vegetarian--having given up meat for Lent. Trying to be healthier and leave a smaller footprint on the earth and all. Kind of a stupid thing to do when you're living in Germany, but the bread is good.

Oh, and for those of you who don't know, it's official. We're moving to London at the end of the school year (Maddie and I will be in the US for a chunk of the summer). It wasn't formally announced in the company until yesterday, so I was not allowed to blog about it until now. I hear they speak English there, so I'm looking forward to that.

We've found Maddie another International School to go to and we'll be looking for a house or a flat to rent in Chiswick. So make your travel plans now. London is way cool.

And since this move means I have no idea when I will get behind a pulpit again, I'm trying to re-ignite my freelance writing career that I ditched about 9 years ago. I've already gotten one query accepted and sent an article in that I'm waiting to hear back on and am working on some more. We'll see what happens.

So, yeah. Not much going on here.

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